Ecologic Dentistry

Silver amalgam fillings, which contain a mixture of metals, including mercury, have been a subject of debate and concern due to the potential health and environmental implications of mercury exposure. While the American Dental Association and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration maintain that these fillings are safe and effective, some individuals opt for their removal due to worries about potential mercury release, aesthetics, or personal preference. The removal process should be carried out carefully by a qualified dentist, as improper removal can lead to increased mercury exposure. Ecologic Dentistry is certified in Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Techniques (S.M.A.R.T)

Smart certified dentist Ecologic dentistry

S.M.A.R.T. certified is the gold standard for mercury removal. Certification means our Ecologic Dentist team has gone through a rigorous safety and training process to remove mercury fillings.

Safety for our Patients, our Team, and Environment is our priority. At Ecologic Dentistry, we take extra care to minimize your risk of exposure of mercury when removing dental amalgam fillings.


Toxic mercury vapors and metal particulate are inhaled into the lungs where it is then distributed and circulated throughout the body; mainly in the brain, kidney and liver. We provide medical grade oxygen for an alternate clean source of air during the removal process.


Particulate is kept off your face and clothing with a full protective covering.

A latex-free dam isolates the teeth being worked on while covering your mouth from particulate.

A latex-free dam is used instead of a rubber dam as mercury vapors can penetrate rubber.


Intraorally, a gentle suction is placed in your mouth to collect saliva and particulate. A Clean-Up evacuation device fits over the tooth, capturing vapor and particulate right at the source of exposure.

Extraorally, a large Dent-Air-Vac unit is placed near the mouth to filter vapor and particulate, providing additional protection from these airborne toxins.

Mercury exposure often goes undetected because it is colorless and odorless, however, mercury has a positive charge. Negative ions produced by our Negative Ion-Generator captures and filters positively charged mercury and other toxins, leaving us with a clean workspace.

Surgically Clean Air™ filters mercury vapors, viruses and other toxins through a six stage filtration and sterilization process throughout our office.


We provide a slurry of Nepro-Rella to rinse with in order to remove all inadvertent debris of mercury and metal from your mouth. Nepro-Rella is a non-radiated chlorella (algae).

Free radicals and oxidative-stress cause cellular damage. Use our NanoVi™ technology to signal activity for repair, restoration and rejuvenation simply by breathing the bio-identical signaling air generated from the NanoVi™.

After getting my old mercury fillings removed, my head is so clear (balance and cognitive skills). What a difference! I have and will definitely recommend this office for dental work.

Deanna M.

Dr. Carla Yamashiro, The Holistic Dentist
Ecologic Dentistry, PLLC

Mercury is a neurotoxin; a poison that is responsible for the degeneration of nerve tissue. Mercury may contribute to many disorders and symptoms such as Alzheimer’s, brain fog, dizziness, chronic fatigue, skin rashes, irritability, and more.

When mercury is heated, it is released as a highly toxic vapor. Toxic mercury vapors can leach out of dental amalgam when exposed to heat or friction, such as brushing your teeth, eating or drinking hot foods and liquids, chewing, and grinding your teeth. Harmful vapors are also released when dental mercury amalgam fillings are removed by your dentist.

ecologic dentistry mercury filling removal

Removing mercury fillings changed my wife’s life overnight.

B. May


As mercury is released, it is filtered through the kidneys before leaving the body. As long as the rate of excretion is optimum, symptoms of mercury toxicity may not appear. With prolonged or massive exposure, and for individuals with sensitive systems, allergies and genotype, our body may not be able to eliminate mercury efficiently. Mercury that is not excreted can accumulate in our kidneys, liver, and brain. When mercury builds up in the body it often causes symptoms.

Mercury also has the ability to cross the placenta and is one of the reasons the use of dental amalgam is banned or restricted in many countries such as Canada, Denmark, Sweden and Germany to name a few. Dental amalgam is still widely used in the United States as an inexpensive and durable material.

There is a delicate dance when it comes to detoxing mercury. As your dental care team, we want to remove dental amalgam fillings and mercury from the body, yet, we do not want to over burden an already burdened system.

Detoxification protocols should be specifically designed with careful consideration of where you are in the spectrum of toxicity. There are effective, safe, gentle and natural methods of detox options such as QuickSilver Scientific’s line of mercury detox products. Your medical doctor or naturopathic physician will be able diagnose toxicity and administer the right detoxification treatment for you.


If you have symptoms of mercury toxicity, we highly recommend the mercury Tri-Test by QuickSilver Scientific. The Tri-Test ensures that we know where you are on the spectrum of mercury toxicity so we can protect you and support your body in mercury elimination.
Mercury found in the body comes mainly from two sources and is excreted through different routes. Methyl-mercury is found in seafood and is excreted from hair while inorganic mercury, what you find in dental amalgam, is excreted through urine. The mercury Tri-Test separates both forms of mercury and provides a ratio of excretion from these two sources. What determines toxicity is the rate of excretion to body burden. If our system is clearing what has entered, symptoms are less likely. In the case of an overburdened system that is not clearing mercury, we recommend QuickSilver Scientific’s system for mercury detox, a therapeutic and gentle way for detoxification. Your medical doctor or naturopathic physician can diagnose toxicity and administer the right detoxification treatment for you.

Dr. Yamashiro received training by Dr. Chris Shade, inventor of Quicksilver Scientific products and found of Quicksilver Scientific. Dr. Yamashiro will assist patients to understand the Tri-Test results and provide the report to your medical doctor or naturopathic physician for their diagnosis.

Based on FDA recommendations released in September 2020, more than half (60%) of the US population is at risk for adverse reactions from mercury exposure created by dental amalgam fillings. If it is dangerous for such a lare segment of the populaton, why do we consider using it on anyone?

FDA populations at risk from amalgam pic Final 1200x927 1

Dr. Carla Yamashiro, The Holistic Dentist
Ecologic Dentistry, PLLC