Ecologic Dentistry

Unlock Your Smile: The Clear Path to Confidence

with Clear Aligners

Have you ever felt self-conscious about your smile? Many people do, especially if they have crooked teeth. It’s not just about looks, either. Crooked teeth can make eating a chore. They might even hold you back at work or in your personal life. Understandably, you want a solution. Something that can give you the straight teeth you’ve always wanted. Without the hassle of traditional braces.

Clear aligners could be that solution. They’re almost invisible, comfortable, and designed to fit into your life seamlessly. Imagine smiling without hesitation. Eating without discomfort. And doing it all without anyone knowing you’re undergoing treatment. That’s the promise of clear aligners. Let’s dive into how they can transform your smile and boost your confidence.

A New Smile, A New You! Take Our Quiz!

This survey is crafted to assess your suitability for Invisalign orthodontic treatment. Kindly complete it as accurately as possible, and we will reach out with your evaluation results.

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How Clear Aligners Straighten Teeth: Step-by-Step


Clear aligners CandidPro and Spark provide a discreet and effective way to achieve a straighter smile. Here’s how the process unfolds:

  • Initial Consultation: Visit your dentist or orthodontist for a comprehensive evaluation of your teeth.

  • 3D Mouth Scan: A detailed 3D image of your mouth is taken, capturing every aspect of your teeth’s structure.

  • Custom Aligners: Based on your mouth’s 3D scan, custom aligners are crafted to fit your teeth precisely.

  • Progressive Adjustments:

    • Each set of aligners makes slight adjustments to your teeth’s position.
    • You switch to a new set approximately every two weeks.
  • Removability:

    • Aligners can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing, promoting better oral hygiene.
  • Regular Check-ins: Periodic appointments ensure your teeth are moving correctly and allow for adjustments as needed.

  • Final Outcome: After completing all sets, you’ll reveal a straight, confident smile.

This streamlined process makes clear aligners a convenient choice for those seeking a less noticeable orthodontic treatment.

Get a Great Smile with Clear Aligners

Get a Great Smile with Clear Aligners At Ecologic Dentistry, we want you to love your smile. If your teeth are crowded, not straight, or have spaces, Dr. Carla Yamashiro can help. Here’s how we do it with Clear Aligners:

  • Talk to Dr. Yamashiro about what you want to fix.
  • She makes a plan just for you, using Clear Aligners.
  • Dr. Yamashiro will make sure everything goes smoothly, so your teeth look great.

Come see us to get started. Clear Aligners could be just what you need for a better smile. Schedule your FREE consultation today!

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Download Our FREE Ebook “A Guide To Clear Aligners“!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Invisalign cost in WA?

In Washington, the price for clear aligners can change a lot depending on your teeth and how long you need them. Usually, it might cost you from $3,000 to $8,000. Every dentist charges differently, so it’s best to talk to someone like Dr. Carla Yamashiro to get an exact price. Also, many places let you pay in parts or offer help with paying, making it easier for you.

How long do clear aligners take to et straight teeth?

The length of treatment varies based on your specific needs. On average, it can take anywhere from 6 to 18 months to straighten teeth with clear aligners. Regular check-ups will help ensure you’re on track.

Can clear aligners fix overbites or underbites?

Yes, clear aligners can be effective in correcting mild to moderate overbites and underbites. Consulting with an orthodontic specialist will determine if this treatment is suitable for your specific case.

Are clear braces and clear aligners the same thing?

Clear braces and clear aligners are not the same. Clear braces are fixed to the teeth like traditional metal braces but made of clear materials. Clear aligners are removable trays that fit over your teeth.

How do I clean my dental aligners?

Clean your dental aligners by brushing them gently with a toothbrush and rinsing them in lukewarm water. Avoid hot water, as it can warp the aligners. Special cleaning solutions may also be recommended by your dentist.

Is smile correction with clear aligners noticeable to others?

One of the main benefits of clear aligners is their invisibility. Most people won’t notice you’re undergoing smile correction, making them a popular choice for adults and teens seeking a discreet treatment option.

Dr. Carla Yamashiro, The Holistic Dentist
Ecologic Dentistry, PLLC