Ecologic Dentistry

If you or someone you know is struggling with snoring, QuietNite laser treatment from Ecologic Dentistry may be the solution. QuietNite snoring solution is a cutting-edge technology developed to help those who suffer from chronic snoring and other sleep-disordered breathing issues. This revolutionary treatment uses a low-level of laser energy to reduce vibrations in the soft tissues of your throat that cause snoring, spurring collagen production and helping you get more restful sleep. QuietNite is an effective, safe and non-invasive option for people looking for relief from their snoring problems.

Understanding Snoring

Ever woken up more tired than before bed? Maybe due to snoring? You’re not alone. Snoring is common and happens when air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat, causing a vibrating sound. It ranges from soft to loud. But why do people snore?

Factors include:

  • Anatomy: A narrow airway can make you prone to snoring.
  • Weight: Extra throat tissue can narrow airways.
  • Age: Throats narrow and muscle tone decreases with age.
  • Sleep Position: Back sleeping can block your airway.
  • Alcohol: It relaxes throat muscles, increasing snoring.
  • Nasal Issues: Stuffy noses can hinder airflow.

Snoring isn’t just about noise; it’s a health concern that can disrupt sleep and lead to fatigue. The good news? Solutions exist to reduce or eliminate snoring for better sleep and happier mornings.


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Download Our FREE Guide on “How To Stop Snoring Naturally!

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The Impact of Snoring

Snoring might seem like just a nighttime nuisance, but its effects ripple through day and night. It’s not only about the sound; snoring can significantly impact health and relationships. Let’s dive into how snoring can affect your life:

  • Sleep Quality: Snoring leads to poor sleep, causing daytime fatigue and mood issues.
  • Health Risks: Linked to sleep apnea, hypertension, and heart problems.
  • Relationship Stress: Causes partner discomfort, affecting intimacy.
  • Mental Health: Increases stress, anxiety, and depression.

The impact of snoring extends beyond what many realize. It’s not just an annoyance; it’s a health and wellness issue that deserves attention. Recognizing these impacts is the first step toward seeking solutions and improving your quality of life. Call our clinic to see how Dr. Yamashiro can help!

What is laser treatment for snoring?

Laser Treatment creates micro-ablation to stimulate collagen tissue.  This technique does not cut the tissue. As a result, no scarring occurs.

Does It Hurt?

No anesthetic is needed for this procedure. During the procedure you may experience a tingling sensation and/or heat. For the next couple of days, you may have a mild sore throat or some describe it as a pizza burn. 

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Everyone responds to the procedure in their own unique way. Here are the general rules of thumb:

Age 30+: 2 or 3 sessions
Age 40+: 3 sessions
Age 50+: 4 sessions

For our Vivos treatment, the typical treatment time is 12-24 months.

Post-Treatment Expectations

During the first 7 days, the tissue tightens. After 7 days, production of collagen begins.

At 21 days, maximum collagen acceleration is reached. 

At this point (21-28 days), it’s a good time to have a second treatment. 

Depending on the severity of your condition, a third or 4th treatment may be of benefit.

From there, a treatment every 12-18 months is beneficial to continue collagen stimulation.

What to Expect Moving Forward?

You may notice a change in the tone of your voice. The treatment may create a better timber and richer, fuller sound. After 2 days you will not notice it because it becomes your new normal.

How Do I Know if it is Working?

Not all of us have bed partners to let us know if it is working or not. We recommend downloading an app like SnoreLab to monitor your snoring. Monitor yourself BEFORE treatment and AFTER every treatment. 

For those of you who have had home sleep tests, we recommend another sleep study after your 3 sessions.

After Care
  • Stay hydrated, drink a lot of water.
  • Avoid spicy foods for the day 




Could My Snoring Be Related To Sleep Apnea? Take Our FREE Quiz!

The questionnaire has been designed to determine how you are managing your sleep health and to see what may be affecting your daily life. Take the sleep quiz to see if our sleep apnea solution is right for you.


Dr. Carla Yamashiro, The Holistic Dentist
Ecologic Dentistry, PLLC