Introducing: CandidPro Clear Aligners

CandidPro Clear Aligners


At Ecologic Dentistry, we are proud to offer the newest innovations in holistic dentistry. This means we are constantly learning new practices to bring you the most prestigious dental care. We are excited to introduce one of the newest innovations in holistic orthodontic care: CandidPro Clear Aligners.

The CandidPro system allows patients the opportunity to potentially correct dental malocclusions, gaps and crowding without the cost, pain and time of traditional metal braces.


How is CandidPro Different from Other Clear Aligners?


CandidPro is a step above other clear aligners on the market because it begins with a consultation with a real dentist who is experienced in all avenues of dental care. You can rest easy knowing that you are on the best track to find a solution to your dental concerns.


Why Choose CandidPro Clear Aligners with Ecologic Dentistry?

Because Dr. Carla Yamashiro is Vivos® Integrative Provider, we understand the importance of expansive orthodontics as it relates to a healthier airway. Vivos® has teamed up with CandidPro so our patients are treated with a healthier airway in mind.


Why Choose Clear Aligners over Metal Braces?

Sometimes it is necessary to break the mold and that’s exactly what the dental community has done with the invention and use of clear aligners verses traditional metal braces. Instead of years of rearranging, pain, gum inflammation, teeth staining and calcification under wires and brackets, you can enjoy the ease of a removable, cleanable and comfortable set of clear aligners.


How Does the CandidPro Clear Aligners System Work?

Your journey with the CandidPro system begins with a consultation at Ecologic Dentistry. At your consultation, we will address your concerns, dental needs, factors for success and timeline for treatment. To move forward with treatment, we will take initial measurements, take a digital panoramic radiograph and determine your treatment plan.


Utilizing Technology to Minimize Office Visits!

Your aligners will either be sent to our office or to your home for your convenience. Monitoring will be done virtually by taking periodic measurements with your smart phone via the CandidPro app. Your data will be sent to Dr. Yamashiro so your progress can be virtually monitored. CandidMonitoring™ allows for minimal office visits! This remote technology helps you drive your own results. If you are wearing your upper and lower aligners as instructed and following your treatment plan, you can have a dazzling smile in no time.


Is the CandidPro System for Me?candidpro

No matter if your smile is just slightly imperfect or you have an abundance of crowding or gaps, CandidPro can be a great option. If you had braces in the past and have relapsed, you still may be a candidate for the CandidPro System. Plenty of patients report movement of their teeth alignment with CandidPro after relapse from other methods.


Testimonials of the CandidPro System

Patients report a happier, healthier life with a boost of confidence after achieving a beautiful smile.


“Once I started Candid, my life completely changed. I started going to the gym more, I started eating better, I even have better dental hygiene. My goal for my wedding was perfect teeth, and Candid got me there.”

“I wore braces as a teenager. Flash forward 30 years: I had crowding on the bottom, and one of my front teeth actually stuck out. That’s when I made the decision to move forward with Candid. And I finally got my confidence back.”

“When I was younger, I used to have a gap in the front and on the side. I noticed that people would always look at my mouth first, so I was looking for a fix. Candid ended up being the perfect company for me. You can’t stop me from smiling now. There’s no comparison.”

Schedule Your Consultation with Ecologic Dentistry

We would love to tell you more about this innovative and greatly successful system of clear aligners. Contact our office today to determine if the CandidPro Clear Aligners are a great fit for you.

