Natural Teeth Whitening

Ecologic Dentistry

A Natural Approach to Teeth Whitening

Looking for a natural, safe and effective way to whiten your teeth? A brighter smile can be yours without the chemicals used in bleaching agents. Try oil pulling with raw coconut oil. Teeth color can be categorized into 4 basic shades: yellow, orange, brown and gray, gray being the most resistant to chemical based whitening agents. With consistent use, oil pulling will brighten even gray hued teeth.

What is Oil Pulling? Oil Pulling is an Ayurvedic treatment used for detoxification. Traditionally sesame seed oil is used as the oil pulling agent, however, the more palatable coconut oil may be used instead. Both are highly effective in removing toxins from the body. A brighter smile can make you look and feel better about yourself, but oil pulling does more than that. It benefits your overall health from inside out. As toxins are pulled out of your body, gum health and halitosis improves. Small cavities may arrest and remineralize. There are claims that oil pulling has systemic effects which is why this Ayurvedic therapy has been sought after.

How is Oil Pulling done? Take about a tablespoon of raw coconut oil (we prefer Skinny 100% raw coconut oil) and swish it in your mouth for 20 minutes first thing in the morning. After 20 minutes, spit out then brush and floss your teeth, preferably with a natural chemical free toothpaste.

One of the main complaints is having to swish for 20 minutes. I tell my patients to start swishing first thing in the morning before getting ready for your day. By the time you are ready, 20 minutes will be well over and you’ll face the world healthier and with a brighter smile.

Here are a few additional tips: 1) Do not swallow the oil after you are finished swishing as it will be full of toxins that are pulled or drawn into the oil from your tissue. 2) It is an oil and may clog your sink over time. Spit into a waste basket or in the compost to keep your plumber away. 3) Consistency and time are keys to experiencing benefits, although, many people begin to notice changes immediately..

Dr. Carla Yamashiro, The Holistic Dentist
Ecologic Dentistry