Our Very Own Dr. Yamashiro Discusses Tooth Decay

Our Very Own Dr. Yamashiro Discusses Tooth Decay

Read our newest article, published with The Courier Herald, where Dr. Carla Yamashiro from Ecologic Dentistry explores the multifaceted causes behind tooth decay beyond the common culprits like sugary foods and poor oral hygiene. The article from The Courier Herald...

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Parasympathetic Breathing: Why Nose Breathing is Better for You

Parasympathetic Breathing: Why Nose Breathing is Better for You

Mouth breathing isn’t just rude, it’s bad for your health. Breathing through your mouth can trigger your “flight or fight response”. Persistent mouth breathing can lead to disrupted sleep, which has many negative side effects. Nose breathing, on the other hand, stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system. Your parasympathetic nervous system controls rest and relaxation. Deep, profound breathing is linked to better sleep, which improves overall quality of life.

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Dr. Carla Yamashiro, The Holistic Dentist
Ecologic Dentistry, PLLC