CHEW on This – Ecologic Dentistry Blog
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Ankyloglossia – Cat got your tongue?… Don’t blame the cat!
by Ecologic | Jan 9, 2021 | Chew on This, Alternative Solutions to Dental Care, Ankyloglossia, Healthy Jaw

What’s actually “got your tongue” might be a tongue-tie (ankyloglossia)
which is oral tissue that tethers the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Ankyloglossia is one reason for a low tongue posture, which can cause problems with speech, improper swallowing, head and neck aches, GERD, digestive problems, and may even be linked to the MTHFR gene mutation.
The tethering of the tongue goes deeper than the floor of the mouth. Through the deep front line fascia1, the tongue is connected to the neck, breathing muscles, pelvic floor, knees, and all the way to our toes!
Dr. Soroush Zaghi of the Breathe Institute says that a tongue-tie will pull the tongue forward along with the floor of the mouth, causing a tightened fascia system. The body has to compensate for this restriction2. Dana Sterling, an orthopedic and chronic pain specialist who founded Sterling Structural Therapy, shows this restriction and compensation with her subject wearing a tight body suit. When one part of the tight suit is constrained, the rest of the body is affected3.
A tongue that is tied or has a low posture is restricted in function, strength and mobility, which can result in an underdevelopment of the jaw and upper airway. Underdevelopment of the jaw and airway can lead to a host of conditions such as teeth crowding, teeth grinding, unhealthy mouth breathing, bed wetting, sleep apnea and more.
Low tongue posture can typically be corrected with myofunctional therapy. Myofunctional therapy is like physical therapy for the tongue, lips and oral tissue, helping these tissues to strengthen and function properly. If a tongue-tie is severe, it may need to be surgically released. Dr. Zaghi explains that when the tongue-tie is released, everything can open up; posture improves, shoulders go back, the head goes back, and patients feel fluidity in their neck2.
In its proper posture, the tongue contacts the roof of the mouth (palate) and serves as a natural palatal expander and retainer. In this position, the upper jaw and dental arch that houses the teeth are able to develop fully to naturally produce properly aligned teeth. An upper jaw that develops fully in turn produces a lower jaw that grows down and forward into proper position, to accommodate the teeth and properly align.
To learn more about low tongue posture and growing the jaw and airway, join us for our bi-weekly presentation: GROW, BREATHE, SLEEP, THRIVE! For your FREE invitation to our presentation, email us or call us at 253-863-7005.
Dr. Carla Yamashiro is a Biological Holistic Dentist at 8412 Myers Rd E, Ste 301 in Bonney Lake, WA. She is an Ambassador with the Breathe Institute and releases tongue-ties using Dr. Zaghi’s method.
1. Mszlazak. (2011, September 13). Deep Front Line. Retrieved December 17, 2020, from
2. Richardson, K. (n.d.). Tongue Ties, Restricted Fascia and Mouth Breathing. Retrieved December 17, 2020, from
3. Sterling, D. (2018, February 20). Fascia & The Mystery of Chronic Pain | Dana Sterling | LIFE TALK. Retrieved December 17, 2020, from