Crooked Teeth and Your Airway: More Than Just a Cosmetic Concern

When you think about crooked teeth, what comes to mind? Most likely, it’s the impact on your child’s smile. But there’s a hidden connection that many parents overlook – the link between crooked teeth and your kid’s ability to breathe properly. This relationship can affect their overall health more than you might realize.

The Not-So-Straight Truth About Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth aren’t just about aesthetics. They occur at a young age when teeth grow in misaligned positions, often overlapping, twisting, or sticking out at odd angles. While a crooked smile might make you hesitant to show your teeth in photos, the real issues run deeper.

Several factors contribute to crooked teeth:

  1. Genetics play a significant role. If your parents have misaligned teeth, you’re more likely to experience the same.
  2. Childhood habits can be culprits too. Prolonged thumb-sucking or pacifier use can alter the growth pattern of teeth and jaws.
  3. Sometimes, it’s simply a case of poor jaw development. When your jaw doesn’t grow large enough to accommodate all your teeth, crowding occurs.

Many people brush off crooked teeth as a purely cosmetic concern. They might think, “It’s just how my child’s teeth are,” without realizing the potential health implications. This oversight can lead to ignoring a problem that affects more than just their smile.

Check To See if You or a Loved One is At Risk

snoring and sleep apnea

When Your Teeth Mess With Your Breathing

Here’s where things get interesting – and a bit concerning. Those misaligned teeth aren’t just sitting there looking out of place. They’re actively impacting your airway and breathing patterns.

How does this happen? Let’s break it down:

Jaw misalignment:

Crooked teeth can lead to a misaligned jaw. This misalignment might narrow your airway, making it harder to breathe, especially during sleep.

Tongue troubles:

With crooked teeth, your tongue might not have enough space in your mouth. It could end up partially blocking your airway when you’re lying down.

The mouth-breathing trap:

People with misaligned teeth often resort to breathing through their mouth. While this might feel more comfortable, it bypasses the important air-filtering function of your nose and can lead to an underdeveloped jaw structure.

Sleep disruption:

All these factors can lead to poor sleep quality. You might experience snoring, sleep apnea, or simply wake up feeling unrefreshed.

The consequences of these breathing issues extend beyond just feeling tired. Chronic mouth breathing can alter facial development in children, potentially worsening the problem of crooked teeth. For adults, it can lead to dry mouth, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

The Mouth Breathing Cycle

Let’s talk about mouth breathing. It’s not just a habit – it’s a vicious cycle that can worsen your child’s dental problems.

When you breathe through your mouth, your oral tissues dry out. This dryness increases your risk of cavities and gum disease. But it doesn’t stop there. Mouth breathing can actually change the shape of your face over time, especially in growing children.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You start breathing through your mouth, maybe because of crooked teeth or a stuffy nose.
  2. Your facial muscles adapt to keep your mouth open.
  3. This changes the pressure on your jaws and teeth.
  4. Over time, your face may grow longer and narrower.
  5. This new shape provides less room for your teeth, making them more crowded.

And just like that, you’re stuck in a loop. Crooked teeth lead to mouth breathing, which leads to more crooked teeth and a possible airway problem. It’s like a dental version of “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”!

Fixing the Problem: Treatment Options

Alright, enough doom and gloom. Let’s talk solutions. The good news? We have plenty of ways to tackle crooked teeth and the breathing issues they cause.

Early Orthodontics:

This is the MVP of treatment options. By addressing alignment issues in kids early on, we can guide jaw growth and prevent more serious problems later. It’s like nipping the issue in the bud.

Traditional Braces:

Old faithful. They’re not just for teens anymore. Many adults are opting for braces to straighten their teeth and improve their breathing.

Clear Aligners:

For those who want a more discreet option, clear aligners can work wonders. They’re removable, nearly invisible, and can address many of the same issues as traditional braces.

Jaw Repositioning Appliances:

These devices can help align your jaw properly, opening up your airway and improving your breathing while you sleep.

The key here is early intervention. The sooner we address these issues, the better the outcome. It’s like fixing a leaky roof – sure, you can wait, but why let the damage spread?

crooked teeth

The Vivos Method: A Revolutionary Approach

While traditional orthodontics and appliances have their place, at Ecologic Dentistry, we’re excited to offer a groundbreaking solution that addresses the root cause of airway issues: the Vivos treatment.

The Vivos method is our go-to treatment for patients struggling with crooked teeth and related breathing problems. Why? Because it doesn’t just mask symptoms – it aims to provide a potential permanent solution by tackling the underlying causes.

Here’s what makes the Vivos treatment special:

Holistic Approach:

The Vivos oral appliance works to expand your dental arches and naturally open up your airway. This means better breathing and better sleep, without relying on lifetime treatments or invasive surgeries.

Convenient Usage:

Patients typically wear the appliance for 12-16 hours a day, mostly at night. It’s designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle while working its magic.

Customized Treatment:

Every case is unique, and so is every Vivos treatment plan. Treatment typically lasts 12-24 months, tailored to your specific needs.

FDA Cleared:

Vivos has recently received FDA clearance to treat severe sleep apnea, making it the only oral appliance company to achieve this milestone. This means it can now treat mild, moderate, and severe sleep apnea cases.

CPAP Alternative:

Unlike CPAP machines that require lifelong use, the Vivos treatment aims for a more permanent CPAP alternative solution. It’s also non-invasive, avoiding the potential complications associated with surgical interventions.

Remember, every smile is unique, and what works for one person may not be the best solution for another. That’s why we always start with a comprehensive assessment to determine the best treatment path for you.

Take Action for Your Airway Health!

At Ecologic Dentistry, we’ve seen remarkable results with the Vivos method. Patients report improved sleep quality, reduced snoring, and better overall health. It’s not just about straightening teeth – it’s about optimizing your airway for better breathing and a healthier life.

We understand the impact that misaligned teeth can have on your overall health, which is why Dr. Carla Yamashiro is passionate about treating airway and in addressing both cosmetic and functional aspects of your smile.

Here’s how we tackle the issue:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: We evaluate your teeth alignment and airway function.
  2. Customized Treatment Plan: We create a plan that may include orthodontics or airway-focused interventions.
  3. Ongoing Support: We guide you through the process, ensuring optimal results for your breathing and overall health.

So, don’t let crooked teeth compromise your well-being. Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Carla Yamashiro at Ecologic Dentistry in Bonney Lake, WA. Take the first step towards better breathing and restful sleep.

Stop struggling with breathing difficulties and disrupted sleep. Instead, start your journey to better health, improved energy, and a confident smile with Ecologic Dentistry!

Schedule Your Consultation Today!


Check To See If You Are at Risk For Sleep Apnea

obstructed sleep apnea

Ecologic Dentistry
(253) 863-7005
Driving Directions

18008 State Route 410 East, Suite A
Bonney Lake, WA 98391


Q: Can crooked teeth really affect my breathing?

Yes, crooked teeth can impact your breathing by narrowing your airway, affecting tongue placement, and promoting mouth breathing, which can lead to various health issues.

Q: At what age should I be concerned about my child’s crooked teeth?

It’s best to have your child’s teeth alignment checked as early as 3 years of age. Early intervention can prevent more serious issues later on.

Q: Can straightening my teeth as an adult improve my breathing?

Absolutely. Correcting teeth alignment at any age can potentially improve airway function and breathing quality.

Q: Is mouth breathing really that bad?

Yes, chronic mouth breathing bypasses the air filtering function of the nose and can lead to dry mouth, altered facial development, and poorer sleep quality.

Q: How can I tell if my crooked teeth are affecting my breathing?

Signs may include snoring, daytime fatigue, dry mouth upon waking, and frequent mouth breathing. A dental professional can provide a more thorough assessment.