CHEW on This – Ecologic Dentistry Blog
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Dental materials Compatibility and You
by Ecologic | Jul 17, 2018 | Advanced Dental Technologies, Chew on This, Natural Dentist

When summer was first upon us, it seemed like flowers popped up suddenly and everywhere and all at once. While disease often seems to spring upon us suddenly as well, it often takes years of toxic accumulation reaching a critical point for symptoms to appear. There is a multitude of toxic sources, some we have little to no control of, while others we can choose to minimize or eliminate.
As a holistic dental care provider, I constantly ask myself: “Is what I am recommending going to cause a burden to the immune system?” While we cannot eliminate all toxins, I believe it is wise to make choices that minimize body burden.
Autoimmune Disease and Metals
According to the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (I.A.O.MT.), there is research linking autoimmune disease to metals that are commonly used in dentistry and medicine, including metals found in amalgam dental fillings and some dental implants. Dental amalgam can contain up to 50% mercury, contains copper, silver, tin, and zinc as well as lead and cadmium. Dental gold is also commonly mixed with other metals such as copper, gallium, indium, iridium, palladium, nickel, silver, tin, titanium, zinc and beryllium. Other toxic sources in dentistry include titanium dioxide found in dental cements and root canal fillings. (2018)
When it is time to remove your metal restorations, there are protocols to minimize your exposure to these toxic metals. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology established S.M.A.R.T. (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique) to remove dental mercury amalgams safely. Ecologic Dentistry is a S.M.A.R.T. certified practice. Additionally, the Huggins Applied Healing protocol provides guidelines for metal removal that considers the galvanic charge of metals being removed, keeping the nervous system calm. Dr. Yamashiro is Huggins trained.
Safest Dental Materials?
Once metals are safely removed, what should the teeth be restored within their place? All dental materials are potentially toxic. At Ecologic Dentistry, we say we use the safest dental materials. But what does that mean? The same dental material can cause a negative immune reaction to one person while another person is seemingly unaffected by the same material. A simple blood test can determine which materials are highly reactive and which are least reactive specific to your blood chemistry.
If you feel woozy at the thought of having to have blood drawn, there are other ways of determining material compatibility. Some practitioners use kinesiology (muscle testing). While there are competent practitioners of this method, we prefer to use quantum biofeedback technology as is not dependent on the skill level of the clinician performing the test. This type of technology is new and is not accepted as a lab test as of yet. However, for those who want to avoid the needle, this may be an alternative method of determining the compatibility of dental materials.
There are toxins everywhere. Our bodies manage a certain level of toxins; however, there is a threshold where our bodies can no longer cope with our toxic load. When this threshold is crossed, we can develop symptoms and often disease. While we cannot cleanse our body of all toxins, I believe that where we can, we should. Choosing the right dental material through testing can make all the difference in your world.
Autoimmune Disease and Metals
According to the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (I.A.O.MT.), there is research linking autoimmune disease to metals that are commonly used in dentistry and medicine, including metals found in amalgam dental fillings and some dental implants. Dental amalgam can contain up to 50% mercury, contains copper, silver, tin, and zinc as well as lead and cadmium. Dental gold is also commonly mixed with other metals such as copper, gallium, indium, iridium, palladium, nickel, silver, tin, titanium, zinc and beryllium. Other toxic sources in dentistry include titanium dioxide found in dental cements and root canal fillings. (2018)
When it is time to remove your metal restorations, there are protocols to minimize your exposure to these toxic metals that the I.A.O.M.T. has established. Additionally, the Huggins Applied Healing protocol provides guidelines for metal removal while taking steps to keep your immune system safe.
(2018). Autoimmune Disease and Metal Exposure: What You Need to Know. International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. Retrieved May 23, 2018, 2018, from