Our Very Own Dr. Yamashiro Discusses Tooth Decay

Read our newest article, published with The Courier Herald, where Dr. Carla Yamashiro from Ecologic Dentistry explores the multifaceted causes behind tooth decay beyond the common culprits like sugary foods and poor oral hygiene. The article from The Courier Herald delves into the holistic approach taken by Ecologic Dentistry, emphasizing the importance of identifying root causes such as dry mouth, teeth grinding, and breathing disorders.

Dr. Carla Yamashiro and our team focus on understanding individual needs, using minimally invasive methods and biocompatible materials. The piece highlights the significance of addressing underlying issues to prevent tooth decay and promotes personalized dental care tailored to each person’s unique requirements. It also stresses the value of regular cleanings and suggests varying frequencies based on individual dental needs. This article encourages readers to consider holistic dentistry and invites them to schedule appointments with Ecologic Dentistry for a different approach to oral health.


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