Holistic Dentistry – Beyond the Mouth

Ecologic Dentistry

The Mouth is the Portal to the Rest of  the Body

Everyone has experienced a pounding headache! Sometimes the pain is actually caused by a physical bump to the head, but we also know that the pain can be initiated in other parts of the body (eye strain, neck pain), from environmental pollutants, electromagnetic frequencies, emotional stress, or from a myriad of causes. Treating the pain is only treating the symptom; however, holistic medicine goes deeper and seeks to treat the cause of the pain.

The same is true with dental health. Since our teeth are attached to our physical, energetic, and emotional bodies, our biological system needs to be considered and treated in its entirety for our overall health and well-being. This is the holistic or integrative model of dentistry and medicine, a full connection of our body, mind (and emotion), and spirit (energy).

The mouth is the portal to the rest of our body. There is a single long tube from our mouth to the other “end,” and so our mouth serves as a perfect reflection or snapshot of what is happening throughout our entire system. Conventional dentistry is beginning to understand this, and research shows a direct relationship between periodontal (gum and underlying bone) disease and systemic diseases like stroke, diabetes, heart attacks, osteoporosis, low birth weight infants born to mothers with periodontal disease, and more.

The manifestation of dental disease may be from physical causes; however, mental and emotional components need to be evaluated for a more comprehensive and holistic approach. We know that certain emotions cause a physiological response. If you’re angry, for example, your blood pressure raises.

Dis-ease is the way the brain finds solution to a conflict. The resultant conflict shows up in another corresponding part of the body as a biological way to reduce such stress. In a system called Biological Decoding, every pain or disease originates from a specific conflict or stress, as we see in the anger-high blood pressure example above. In this system, a holistic practitioner can decode every tooth, discovering the root cause of the dysfunction. Awareness of the root cause supports your body’s natural healing process.

Much of the root cause of dis-ease has to do with energy flow. What does energy (spirit) have to do with dentistry? Everything. We are energetic beings and our physical body extends beyond what the unaided eye sees as physical. In fact, everything is energy, and everything can be approached from its energetic component.

As a physical example, our heart pumps because of an electric potential of positively charged ions or energy. Even our mental thoughts are energetic vibrations and can affect our health. This has been proven by Dr. Masaru Emoto who has shown our thought vibrations affect the crystallization structure of water. Positive thoughts and feelings create beautiful water crystals, and negative thoughts create distorted shapes. Our body, and every cell in our body, being made of approximately 70% water, is affected by the supportive or destructive thoughts and energy in which we are bombarded and immersed, impacting our health and well-being.

Energy is simply a vibration or frequency. We can look at frequency as a “code” or information. With the right information (the right frequency), our body is able to process and function optimally. When the body is besieged with frequencies produced from food toxins, environmental toxins, dental materials, emotional stress, and thoughts, this misinformation alters and interferes with the natural frequency or information that the body understands and knows how to use. The result is disruption and breakdown of the body’s ability to grow, maintain, function, and heal.

Bio-resonance is a way of detecting the frequencies of dental materials, procedures, and medicaments to determine specific compatibility to the energy of the individual. This awareness can lead to the restoration of our natural rhythms, frequencies, health and overall well-being.

Creating the right environment, extending beyond the physical and integrating the mind/emotion and spirit/energy, our bodies can function, maintain, heal, and thrive.

This is Holistic Dentistry – Beyond the Mouth.

Dr. Carla Yamashiro, The Holistic Dentist
Ecologic Dentistry