Mouth Breathing and it’s Relation to Airway Problems

Ever notice your child struggling to keep their eyes open, yawning constantly, or snoring loudly at night? There are a lot of children who grow up exhausted, breathing through their mouth, and snoring like a freight train!

So, what exactly is mouth breathing? It’s exactly what it sounds like—breathing through the mouth instead of the nose, and it’s pretty common, especially among kids. Sometimes, it’s just a habit. Other times, it’s due to things like allergies, large tonsils, or improper jaw development.

Why Do People Mouth Breathe?

You might be wondering, “Why do some people mouth breathe instead of using their nose?” Great question!

It usually starts with a narrow nasal airway. When your nasal passages are too small, breathing through your nose can feel like trying to suck a milkshake through a tiny straw—not easy! So, your body adjusts by breathing through the mouth. Over time, this becomes a tough habit to break.

But here’s the problem: constant mouth breathing can actually cause more issues. When you rely on mouth breathing, your jaw and airway don’t develop the way they should. This leads to a narrower airway and can eventually cause sleep apnea. The body isn’t designed for long-term mouth breathing, and it can lead to significant sleep problems.

Allergies and large tonsils can trigger mouth breathing, but the real issue often lies in the development of the nasal cavity and jaw, which leads to sleep apnea symptoms.

Curious if You Are at Risk of Sleep Apnea? Take Our Quiz!

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The Link Between Airway Issues and Sleep Apnea

If your child is a mouth breather or you’ve noticed loud snoring, there might be more to it. Mouth breathing isn’t just noisy—it could be a warning sign of sleep apnea, a condition where breathing stops and starts during the night due to a blocked airway.

When you breathe through your mouth, your tongue, jaw, and soft tissues can collapse, making the airway narrow. This leads to shallow breaths, forcing the body to wake up just enough to gasp for air. Over time, this constant disruption ruins the quality of sleep.

And it’s not just adults at risk. Children with mouth breathing habits or swollen tonsils may also develop sleep apnea. Their smaller airways, combined with jaw development issues, can lead to fragmented sleep, constant fatigue, difficulty focusing, and even long-term health risks like heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

The Hidden Dangers of Untreated Airway Issues

Untreated airway problems might seem like no big deal, but they can seriously impact your health. When your body doesn’t get enough oxygen during sleep, it can lead to:

  • Constant fatigue, even after a full night’s rest
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Increased risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Higher chances of developing diabetes

Good sleep is crucial for you and your child’s health, and ignoring sleep apnea can cause long-term damage.

Traditional Treatment Options

The standard treatment for sleep apnea has long been the CPAP machine, which delivers a steady flow of air to keep your airway open. However, wearing a CPAP means you’re tethered to a machine every night. At some point, you may want to look for CPAP alternatives.

Oral Appliances: A Less Bulky Option

Another option is a custom oral appliances that moves the jaw forward, preventing airway collapse. It’s less intrusive than a CPAP but still needs to be worn nightly, and it can sometimes cause jaw discomfort and change your bite.

Myofunctional Therapy: Strengthening Your Airway

Myofunctional therapy is like a workout for the muscles in your face, mouth, and throat. It targets poor muscle function that leads to airway collapse and focuses on:

  • Strengthening tongue posture: Teaching the tongue to rest properly on the roof of the mouth helps keep the airway open.
  • Improving swallowing patterns: Proper swallowing habits help reduce airway collapse.
  • Encouraging nasal breathing: Training to breathe through the nose supports better oral health and airflow.

When paired with other treatments, myofunctional therapy can significantly improve breathing and reduce mouth breathing.

mouth breathing bonney lake wa

The Game-Changing Vivos Method

What if there was a way to permanently expand your child’s airway and stop mouth breathing for good? That’s where the Vivos method comes in. It uses custom-made oral appliances to:

  • Gradually expand the upper jaw and nasal passages
  • Treat the root cause of the problem, not just the symptoms
  • Involve no machines, no masks—just an appliance worn mostly at night

The best part? The Vivos method is FDA-approved to treat airway problems, making it a natural, effective solution. The FDA has even approved the Vivos® DNA appliance for the treatment of children 6 to 17 years old.

HealthyStart: A Solution for Kids

For children, the HealthyStart system offers a non-invasive way to improve breathing and encourage straighter teeth without braces. This system:

  • Promotes proper jaw development: Creates more space for the tongue and teeth.
  • Encourages nasal breathing: Reduces mouth breathing and promotes better sleep.
  • Prevents orthodontic issues: Guides teeth into place, reducing the need for braces.
  • Improves sleep quality: Positions the tongue properly allowing for deeper, more restful sleep.

HealthyStart helps correct airway issues while guiding proper jaw development, ensuring your child gets the rest they need.

Take Control of Your Child’s Sleep

You don’t have to settle for restless nights and airway problems. With the Vivos method, you can tackle the root cause of mouth breathing and sleep apnea.

At Ecologic Dentistry in Bonney Lake, WA, Dr. Carla Yamashiro is dedicated to providing life-changing solutions for better sleep. As an airway-focused dentist, she’s helped countless patients overcome sleep issues and rediscover restful nights.

Curious if You Are at Risk of Sleep Apnea? Take Our Quiz!

obstructed sleep apnea

Act Now For a Healthier Child!

Every night, millions of people suffer from sleep apnea, but you don’t have to be one of them. At Ecologic Dentistry, Dr. Yamashiro offers customized treatments using the Vivos method for even severe sleep apnea and airway cases—no bulky machines or invasive surgeries required.

  1. Consultation
  2. Custom Oral Appliance
  3. Life-Changing Relief

Take the first step toward better sleep and a brighter future. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Carla Yamashiro today at Ecologic Dentistry in Bonney Lake, WA. Call us or visit our website for more information.

If you want to learn more about Clear alignerssnoring solutionsCPAP alternative and safe filling removal, visit our blog! We also cover topics like holistic dentistrysleep apnea and TMJ therapy!

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Ecologic Dentistry
(253) 863-7005
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18008 State Route 410 East, Suite A
Bonney Lake, WA 98391