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Pediatric Sleep Apnea
by Ecologic | Mar 15, 2021 | Biologic Dental Medicine, Holistic Dentist, Sleep Apnea Solutions

When people think of children’s dentistry, they usually think of teeth, cavities, and a new toothbrush. Routine dental check-ups have become so mundane that it can be hard to know what we’re checking-up for. Check-ups are usually preventative for things like cavities, cracked teeth, and other dental issues. And while these are all important things to look for, signs of pediatric sleep-apnea are another thing we check for.
So what is sleep apnea, and how can you help your munchkin breath easier at night?
Sleep Apnea and the Solution
According to the Mayo Clinic, sleep apnea is a breathing condition where breathing starts and stops multiple times during sleep. There are several types of sleep apnea, but the one that dentistry is concerned with is obstructive sleep apnea. With this type of sleep apnea the tongue and throat muscles relax during sleep, leading to a narrowing of the airway.
The causes for pediatric sleep apnea are numerous. It is possible to inherit a narrow airway genetically, which can increase a child’s likelihood for developing sleep apnea. Swollen tonsils or adenoids (tissues in the upper throat related to the lymphatic system) can also obstruct and narrow an airway. This obstruction to a child’s already small airway can lead to breathing issues in sleep. Improper tongue placement can play a role as well, as it may lead to an underdeveloped jaw and teeth-crowding.
Symptoms of sleep apnea can include (but are not limited to):
- Snoring
- Bed-wetting
- Teeth grinding
- Mouth breathing
- Irritability, and
- Restless sleep
Typical childhood behavior can often worsen these symptoms and make them difficult to diagnose without a professional.
So what can be done?
Children’s Vivos Oral Appliances are like a mouth guard.Our devices help to position the tongue properly and guide growth. We provide exercises with our appliances that help strengthen the tongue and oral muscles, helping the jaw and upper airway develop towards their genetic potential. Children’s Vivos Oral Appliances may not only help with current issues, but also save your child future dental issues as well.
For more information on our Vivos-Craniofacial Solutions for pediatric Sleep Apnea and to get in touch about treatment, visit the bottom of the page here.