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Head Forward Posture: Posture Yourself To Thrive
by Ecologic | Jun 30, 2021 | Advanced Dental Technologies, Biologic Dental Medicine, Healthy Jaw
Take a Look!
POSTURE YOURSELF TO THRIVE! How does a well-balanced jaw and upper airway affect posture? See for yourself!
As you can see, head forward posture affects more than just the neck. It changes their entire alignment of our body.
It is no wonder we start to have neck, shoulder, hip and knee pain and stiffness later in life. We grow from the top down. If your jaw is not in balance, you will compensate for that underdevelopment all the way down through your shoulders, hip, knee and ankles.
This girl had clear signs of alignment issues before treatment. Within 6 months, there is a very clear improvement in the shoulders, neck, jaw, and back.

Head forward posture is when the head sits too far forward. With normal, healthy posture, the ears sit parallel to the shoulders. With head forward posture, the ears jut forward, breaking alignment. So what has helped this change?
Vivos Craniofacial Solutions
Vivos Craniofacial appliances target the underlying issue for multiple conditions, from sleep apnea to teeth grinding. Vivos appliances aim to guide the jaw towards its genetic potential. This potentially helps to fully develop the jaw, and by extension, the upper airway.
Mom: “Her posture! She is standing much taller, slouching less, and after looking at her progress pictures, her spine and neck are obviously in much better alignment. Prior to Vivos, we were told by our chiropractor that she had early signs of scoliosis and we would need to monitor it. I can’t wait to bring her back in and show them her progress!”
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Mom: “Her posture! She is standing much taller, slouching less, and after looking at her progress pictures, her spine and neck are obviously in much better alignment. Prior to Vivos, we were told by our chiropractor that she had early signs of scoliosis and we would need to monitor it. I can’t wait to bring her back in and show them her progress!”
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