CHEW on This – Ecologic Dentistry Blog
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Spiritual Dentistry – Creating Conditions to Support Balance
by Ecologic | Mar 7, 2016 | Chew on This, Healthy Lifestyle, Holistic Dentist, Natural Dentist

We are more than our physical body—everything exists as a field of energy or vibration.
In fact, our five senses are able to detect only the densest forms of energy, but energy exists that our senses cannot detect. Treating my dental patients holistically means looking beyond the physical body to include the mental-emotional and spiritual-energetic layers of the person and the disease process.
Creating Conditions to Support Balance
It’s been a challenge in dentistry to acknowledge that what we do in the mouth affects the entire body. Through research, we finally understand that there is a direct relation- ship between gum disease and systemic diseases, but the next step is to look beyond the physical body even to include the mental-emotional and spiritual-energetic components
to the disease process. In holistic dentistry, we encourage balance by using non-toxic physical application products like ozone, mental-emotional assessment for the awareness of disease through biological decoding, treating the physical, mental-emotional and energetic body with spagyric natural remedies and balancing the human energy field with bioenergetics and ACMOS. By addressing all levels of our being, we are able to create optimum environmental conditions to support homeostasis and improve health in the oral cavity and beyond.
Biological Decoding: What Are Your Teeth Telling You?Biological Decoding: What Are Your Teeth Telling You?
Biological decoding looks at the mental-emotional programs leading to disease. Conflicts and stress are a part of life. Most stressors are easily managed; however, when conflicts are heightened, our brain knows we can tolerate only so much stress and begins to manage it, in order to ensure the sur- vival of the person, family and species. When there is a large amount of stress, the brain sends this stress to a particular part of the body or system corresponding to the type of conflict experienced. Our brain will often even send a particular stress to specific teeth—I have facilitated the resolution of issues with teeth through biological decoding when physical treatments alone are unsuccessful, and I consider this a vital part of holistic care. Disease can be explained as a biological solution to a conflict, and the condition can be looked at as part of the healing process.

Biological Decoding: What Are Your Teeth Telling You? Biological Decoding: What Are Your Teeth Telling You?
Our physical world is a life in duality. There’s a perceived right way and a wrong way. Holistic dentists would say mercury is a neurotoxin and does not belong in our mouth. Mercury filling proponents would say it is safe. In the realm of higher consciousness or spirit, we expand our senses beyond the physicality of duality and it is here we experience our truth. My role as a health professional is to share information: our universe is based on the principle of exchange or sharing of energy, energy is frequency, and frequency contains information. For example, 480 Hz give us the information that something is the color red. Even atoms share energy or information, giving and taking electrons, always in a constant exchange of information. When we are in alignment with our Source and our truth, we are inspired or “in spirit,” inspiration brings movement, energy in motion or emotion and from here we bring it into the realm of the physical and take action. I encourage patients to listen to their gut, to their truth, and what resonates with them.
I encourage my patients to expand and look beyond the box of the physical to consider our emotional and spiritual- energetic body as that which cannot be separated from the physical. We are all three at the same time and all aspects need to be considered for holistic wellness
Christian Hahn –
Well said doc
I love to see spiritual souls like yourself guiding patients towards a more balanced, spiritual life. The duality of life is what makes this incarnation exciting and gives us the ability to learn and experience anything and everything we desire. Every encounter with us and our patients gives us the opportunity to help souls unbox themselves and live a life of greatness. Namaste